Member of the Year

This award is to recognize PEI UPSE members who have contributed to PEI UPSE by being union activists, participating in PEI UPSE functions and committees, volunteering time and in general contributing to the union movement of PEI.

The selection process for choosing the “UPSE Member of the Year” shall follow these guidelines:

1. Members may obtain a nomination application from the UPSE office or here for the online version and complete and return the application no later than 20 days prior to each annual convention.

2. The nominated members must be an UPSE member in good standing and may not have been a recipient of the award within the last 5 years.

3. The President shall receive all nominations for this award and shall present them to the Board of Directors prior to the Convention for selection of a recipient whom shall be announced at Convention and presented with a gift.

Please include in the nomination, if possible, the following:

• Positions held in UPSE
• Attendance at Union functions
• Union education qualifications
• A willingness to assist other UPSE members

Our 2022 Member of the Year

Arlene Bowness with President Jackson

Congratulations to UPSE’s Member of the Year… Arlene Bowness! Arlene has always made the time to answer any and all questions that members have for her. She takes great pride in what she does and treats everyone equally. She has great knowledge about the union and she believes that the workplace can be improved through attention and effort. She has assisted countless members with their questions and has helped them understand their rights under the collective agreement. She is a great grass roots activist and has been Director of Local 3 for many years as well as a Steward and Chief Steward.

Arlene is well respected by UPSE members, management and her fellow union activists both on the Board and as a Steward. Arlene ensures new Stewards are mentored and understands the important role they play representing the membership.

She wholeheartedly deserves to be named UPSE’s Member of the Year for 2022!

Our 2021 Member of the Year

Jim Ryan with President Jackson

Jim Ryan was voted UPSE Member of the Year for 2021. Jim has been a member of UPSE for twenty years. He worked in Long Term Care with Local 6 and is now with Homecare in Local 9. In Local 6, Jim was a Shop Steward, Chief Steward, Director and is currently UPSE’s Third Vice President.  He has attended many educational courses offered by the Union, has taken part in Family Fun Days, UPSE golf tournaments, and Conventions.

Jim has also been involved in health team negotiations for the membership as an RCW representative. His knowledge of the collective agreement was imperative in negotiations.  His work on the RCW Reclassification project for RCWs was key as well toward the recent reclassification.  He believes in promoting the Union and the membership to all Islanders. He helped make the new electronic sign located outside the UPSE office a reality so the Union can display key messaging and UPSE pride. Jim Ryan is Member of the Year as he gives a 100% commitment to UPSE and the members.